Sarah Palin hits Obama (Must See Video)
This video was put together by PaulFVillarreal. He has taken this video of Sarah Palin in Carson, California and laid out (through the videos) the connection between Obama and his shady connections---proving Sarah's point.
Hat Tip: PaulFVillarreal
Paul's message posted at NQ and via email:
Below is a link to the remarks made yesterday by Sarah Palin which connected Barack Obama with Obama's longtime friend and mentor Bill Ayers. Ayers is an unrepentant domestic terrorist who was involved with the seditionist Weather Underground organization that bombed both the Pentagon and the US Capitol.
What makes my version of this footage both a must-see and a very valuable resource going forward is that I have inserted 5 video link annotations into the production itself and I have put 19 links into the video description section. These links provide comprehensive, detailed visual and written evidence of the longstanding and intimate relationship between Senator Obama and radical anti-American Bill Ayers.
Please take a look at the video when you get the chance. Favorite it and email it to those that you know so in the days to come all will have a one-stop location to answer the lies and half-truths coming out of the Obama campaign and its media arms as they try to innoculate Obama against his dangerous, extremist associates.
These long-term mentors and friends of the Illinois pol expose Obama's stunning lack of judgment, his willingness to become close with those who hate our great republic and Obama's own nearly-unfathomable radicalism.
Amidst two wars and the constant threat of a second 9/11, America's electorate deserves to know exactly what Barack Obama and his dangerous associates are all about as it prepares to vote in one of the most important elections in our country's history.
Thank you, and here is the link to the video:
"Sarah Palin hits Obama for palling around with terrorists"
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