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Military Ballots Tossed In Fairfax (VA)

Author: Patrick Lynch
Daily Press
Date Published: October 24th, 2008

Virginia campaign officials for GOP presidential candidate John McCain are saying some Fairfax County absentee ballots — and possibly some in Hampton Roads — from overseas service members are being rejected over a technicality. But the Fairfax registrar said he was following state law in rejecting a small number of absentee ballots that came in at the same time as the voter's application.

McCain's Virginia campaign officials called a news conference Thursday afternoon in Fairfax to say a specific absentee ballot — the Federal Write-In Absentee Ballot — was being wrongly rejected in Fairfax, the state's largest locality, and possibly in other cities or counties.


EMFK: If our military was voting overwhelmingly for Barack Obama, the outrage from the Obama campaign would be unending. However, since the majority of our military leans Republican---nary a word from the Democrats.


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